
John Warwick Montgomery, Ph.D., D.Théol., LL.D., Dr (h.c.)

Director, International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism and Human Rights,
Strasbourg, France
Professor Emeritus of Law and Humanities, University of Bedfordshire,

Adam S. Francisco, DPhil (Oxon)

Professor of History
Concordia University Chicago

The Global Journal of Classical Theology is dedicated to excellence in scholarship and review of issues in both Classical and Contemporary Evangelical Theology. The Editors invite your scholarly contribution. The focus of the Journal’s articles and reviews includes the areas of Theology, Christian Thought, Historiography, Legal and Apologetic Issues, and the Philosophical Defense of the Faith. The General Editor welcomes articles (up to 6,000 words) and reviews of recent books and issues (up to 2,000 words) for review and possible inclusion. The Global Journal seeks to provide a medium for Christian scholarly advancement and critical interaction and review in the above subject areas. The journal is published three times a year. Authors are to submit an electronic copy of their paper or review to the Editors, at the email addresses found below. Paper submissions must be in accordance with a standard style (Turabian, MLA, APA, etc.); however, it is crucial that authors use a consistent style throughout. The file submission must be formatted in a standard file, submitted using an uncompressed Microsoft Word (.DOC or .DOCX) or .RTF file format. If Hebrew or Greek fonts are used, special care should be taken to identify to the Editors the font types used in the submission. Embedding those fonts into the document is highly recommended. If authors incorporate digital artwork or pictures into their essay, those digital files should be emailed separately, and the completed essay with artwork should also be provided in .PDF file format. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by email. A condition for acceptance of a paper for publication in the Global Journal will include the requirement that the author send a 75-125 word abstract summarizing his or her article to appear in the Global Journal. Ideally, this abstract should accompany the original submission of the article to the Editors. The Global Journal of Classical Theology is indexed by Religious and Theological Abstracts.
The Global Journal of Classical Theology is dedicated to excellence in scholarship and review of issues in both Classical and Contemporary Evangelical Theology.

Papers should be submitted to the General Editor:

M. le Pr J. W. Montgomery
2, Rue de Rome
67000 Strasbourg

Phone & Fax: +333-88610882

Reviews are to be submitted to the Associate Editor:

Adam S. Francisco, DPhil (Oxon)
Concordia University Chicago
7400 Augusta Street
River Forest, IL 60305


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