
Coming Next in the Global Journal

The lead article our next issue deals with a messy theological situation at, of all places, the Moody Bible Institute.  I have been a fan of Moody (Church and Institute) ever since becoming a Christian as an undergraduate at Cornell University.  Evangelist Dwight Moody was the Billy Graham of his time (or, rather, Billy Graham was the Dwight Moody of our time).  I presented one of my “Defending the Biblical Gospel” seminars at Moody Church and its just-retired, long-time senior pastor was Erwin Lutzer, my graduate student at the Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and later recipient of an honorary doctorate at the Simon Greenleaf School of Law when I was its Dean.  In short, theological trouble at Moody really disturbs me—and should be a deep concern to evangelicalism in general.  The issue is—ignoring the politics—whether to tolerate postmodern philosophies of truth that are uncomfortable with “truth as correspondence.”  Vol 15, No. 2 of the Global Journal focuses on this question, with in-depth articles by Julie Roys and your Editor.